Tag: fairford wedding photographer
Best of 2018
2018’s been a great year, plenty of travel and a handful of weddings. The first wedding of the year was just up the road ay Hyde House in Stow on the Wold. This was followed by a couple of weeks of rest in Bangkok and …
A Shetland Wedding
One year ago today Julie and I were lucky enough to travel out to the Shetland Islands to shoot Nicole and Stewart’s wedding. Having shot Stuart’s sister Lesley and her husband Paul’s wedding in Glasgow http://nickporterphotography.com/2016/08/paul-lesleys-glasgow-wedding/ the year before I was really looking forward to seeing everyone again and also travelling up to the shetlands for the first time. We flew from Heathrow up to Glasgow and then on to Sumburgh, unfortunately every photographers nightmare happened when British Airways decided not to pack our bags on the Glasgow flight so we arrived in Shetland without any change of clothes. Fortunately I’d packed most of my camera gear in our hand luggage having lost bags before.
A quick shop around Lerwick and we were good to go, we stayed at the Drumquin Guesthouse in Brae http://www.drumquinguesthouse.co.uk which was excellent and right next to the venue at Brae hall. The traditional wedding was over 3 days and was amazing. I’ve never seen such a sense on community and everyone was so friendly, we even had a random invasion of vikings on one of the evenings! Nicole was one of my Air Traffic Control students so some of the guests were also Air traffickers who I’d taught previously and it was great to catch up with them as well as everyone from the Glasgow wedding.
Happy Anniversary Nicole and Stew x

Lesley & Paul’s Glasgow wedding
For my day job I work as an Air Traffic Control Instructor and I’m fortunate to meet lots of amazing students that come through the college each year, as a result I’m privileged to shoot a lot of their weddings as well as those from within the air traffic community and their families and friends. Lesley and Paul’s wedding came from a recommendation from Lesley’s brothers fiancee who is a Controller in the Shetland Islands and whose wedding I’m really looking forward to shooting next year up in Scatsta. So in June I was fortunate enough to travel up to Scotland to shoot Lesley and Paul’s wedding at the Parkville Hotel in Glasgow. Everyone was so kind and helpful, Lesley and Paul were brilliant and had some great ideas for photos and also special thanks to Lesley’s mum and dad who kindly chauffeured me around for the weekend. The couple booked The David Livingstone Centre in Blantyre where the famous explorer was born for the formal shots. A really nice venue where we dodged the showers and were blessed with some glorious sunshine. All in all the perfect day.